Coffee Shop
Jubilee Coffee
1452 Kenton St., Aurora, 80010
1075 Park Ave W, Suite 110, Denver, 80205
“The coffees that show up in our shop arrive after many hands put hours of work into making them beautiful.”
The coffee shop is a sacred place. That statement is likely shared by countless coffee lovers in our city. Coffee shops are where people begin their day, where important relational and valuable occupational meetings occur, and for many the place where they feel that they belong. It serves as an essential “third place”, in creating community connection and a sense of place. Ray Oldenburg wrote the book, The Great Good Place in 1989. This book introduced the term "third place" to be where people gather beyond work and home. Oldenburg’s premise was the third place was: neutral ground, made up of regulars, where you meet people for conversation, the mood was playful, it was easily accessible, and it provided a place in between work and home.
The coffee shop is a hub of belonging and a place we feel connected. There are quality coffee shops across the city that serve as a third place for their neighbors and neighborhoods. Jubilee Roasting Co. is one of the best in the way it loves coffee and people.
Peter Wanberg was living in his van (which is now the creative Jubilee Roasting Co. logo) in Boulder in 2015. He was finishing his last semester at school while saving as much money as possible. His plan was to graduate and move San Diego to get an entry-level marketing job. His father, who works in real-estate, called that spring to say he had found a cheap warehouse in Aurora a block off east Colfax for sale. It was an unlikely location, but a perfect place, to learn about people, place, and coffee.
The dream of Jubilee was two-fold: roast and sell beautiful coffee, and help North Aurora cultivate a sense of place. "Create well and be good neighbors" is accurate distillation of the Jubilee dream. Jubilee not only created a place where people are seen and known, it created a third place for the neighbors and neighborhood to see and know their place.
Peter describes Jubilee as “a beautiful hustle of grace and grit.” It is a coffee shop of good people doing good things. Good things like sourcing coffee from many of the same farms every year and training new shop staff to become elite roasters and baristas in Denver.
You can order from their online store to enjoy their coffee. But, to fully experience the beauty, grit, and grace of Jubilee visit the roaster and shop in the warehouse one block off Colfax where a coffee shop is a sacred place.