Attend an Event
We co-host events and conversations to create places of relational interaction about of the integration of faith and place.
Past Events & Conversations

Sacred Place is hosting the opening reception for Art & Place on Thursday, October 10, 6-9pm, at Anthology Fine Art, in Englewood. The artist panels will be at 7pm and 8pm. Wine and hors d'oeuvre will be provided. Spend an evening this fall celebrating the beauty of art and place.

Skye Jethani: “Empathy and Identity"
Genuine empathy and a grounded identity are necessary love our neighbors and neighborhoods. Skye Jethani will provide reflections on the Biblical text and facilitate a discussion for pastors and leaders to come away with practical ways to build empathy in their congregations and organizations.

An Evening with the Holy Post: Denver
Join Skye Jethani, Elizabeth Neumann, and fellow members of the Holy Post community in Denver. The Holy Post is a refuge for those looking to untangle their faith from fear and partisan politics while continuing to participate in the redemptive work of Jesus.

Screening of "IN THE DIRT" with Rodeo Adventure Labs & Gratis 7 Productions
"IN THE DIRT" is a documentary film about a group of passionate Native American cyclists who bring the sport of mountain biking to the Navajo Nation, where no bike shops exist.
Through a grassroots native-led effort, this group of dedicated cyclists and their families have overcome countless odds to build a cycling culture that today has become the fastest-growing recreational sport on the Navajo Nation.

Take a Meal: a conversation with Project 1.27
Sacred Place is co-hosting a cooking demonstration and conversation with Project 1.27 on Thursday, February 29, about how taking meals is a simple and tangible way to love our neighbors.

run: A Sacred Place Short Film
You are invited to attend the premier screening of run: a Sacred Place short film.
run is the story of how the content we create about loving neighbor and neighborhood inspired one reader to respond.
The film features Matt and Molly Smith and directed by Canaan Hurst. It is a beautiful invitation to the Practice of Running, the Place of the Run Store, and a Prayer for Runners.
The reception and premier for the short film RUN is Wednesday, December 13, 7-8pm at Runner’s Roost (1685 S. Colorado Blvd)
Beverages and hors d’oeuvres provided.

Neighborhood Holiday Hospitality - a conversation co-hosted with The Hills Church
This is a conversation co-hosted with our friends at The Hills Church. It is an opportunity to hear about inspiring traditions, selfless compassion, and practical suggestions on how to show hospitality during the holidays.
Attend this conversation to hear about inspiring traditions and practical suggestions on how to show hospitality during the holidays.

Caring for Our Food & Farms - a conversation with Peter & Margo Wanberg and Michelle Stinson
This special end of summer conversation with Peter and Margo Wanberg, City Park Farmers Market founders, and Michelle Stinson, Visiting Scholar at Denver Seminary, is about how we can value local food and farmers.

Everyday Hospitality - a conversation with Pat & Sarah Harrison
This conversation with Pat & Sarah Harrison is a brilliant opportunity to learn from leaders who have loved their neighbors and neighborhood by practicing everyday hospitality for over 20 years.

BBQ & Block Parties - a conversation with Adrian Miller, Andraè Alexander, and Stephen Redden
This unique conversation with Adrian Miller, author of Black Smoke, will offer an insight into the history of BBQ & the African American Church. Andraè Alexander and Stephen Redden will offer ways how BBQ & has buillt connections with their neighbors and neighborhoods.

Sharing Meals - a conversation with Cari Jenkins
Spend an evening inspired and encouraged by those who craft meals and host tables. This conversation will provide both the perspective and practice of hospitality. It will be a creative and collaborative dialogue about how we can connect with our neighbors by sharing meals together.

Rule of Life
The conversation will consider not only “what” we practice as our life-giving rhythms but consider the creative boundaries of “where” we create these rhythms of a life with God.
We believe location impacts outcome. The place in which we follow the Way of Jesus is the soil in which we cultivate a life with God.