Garden Center
City Floral Garden Center
1440 Kearney Street Denver, 80220
“The kiss of the sun for pardon, the song of the birds for mirth, one is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth.”
The city garden center is a sacred place. The garden center cultivates agricultural beauty and bounty. At the origin of the Christian story is a garden. We benefit from remaining connected to the soil. It may be house plants, herb gardens, flower gardens, or large vegetable and fruit gardens – whatever the scale, the soul is better when responsible for plants.
City Floral is the oldest operating greenhouse in Denver. When it opened in 1911, City Floral owners delivered flowers each day to the Brown Palace riding a bicycle down Colfax when it was still a dirt road. Now, the rows of greenhouses at City Floral encompass almost an entire block in the Mayfair neighborhood. It is a visual reminder of the endless complexity and variety of creation. The staff provide helpful guidance to the beginner and seasoned grower alike. City Floral is an inspiring ecosystem of plants and people.
Farmer and author, Wendell Berry, wrote, “Soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life.” The care of backyard gardens and potted plants may not be the same connection to the soil as those who live off the land in rural areas. But, every plant can reminds us of the mysteries of: light and life, seeds and soils, death and resurrection.
The garden center provides a place to reengage the earth, cultivate life, and live in a closer relationship to creation. It is a place where we are reminded of our first vocation as gardeners, grateful for the goodness that grows around us. The garden center is a sacred place.
Visit City Floral’s website for helpful information for those new to Denver or new to gardening.