Retreat House
Sacred Heart Retreat House
4801 N. Highway 67, Sedalia
“Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest”
Sacred Heart Jesuit Retreat House is a place of peace built for people to enter silence and encourage their relationship with God. It is a physical location created to deepen the spiritual life.
The retreat house, built in 1959, is set on a hill in the center of 280 acres surrounded by natural beauty overlooking the ranch valley of Sedalia. The building has a timeless quality, providing a sense of familiarity and security. The chapel is a peaceful place to pray as the light shifts throughout the day because of the sunlight through colored glass windows. There is a daily Eucharist celebration in the chapel before lunch. The entry lounge of the retreat house is incredibly inviting, with couches and chairs for relaxing and reading. The dining room provides simple and nutritious meals. The experience of communal eating without speaking is always a memorable aspect of being on a silent retreat. There are 50 private rooms furnished with a bed, desk, and chair for those on retreat. A small bookshop provides often undiscovered works written by saints who dedicated their lives to cultivating an interior life with God. There is a remarkable beauty in the simplicity of the chapel, dining room, and guest rooms.
Sacred Heart follows the Ignatian tradition, it is a place of silence, except for a conversation with a spiritual director or participation in the Eucharist. “We go away to a place where we can learn to listen,” said Fr. Oulvey, SJ, who recently became the director at Sacred Heart. He shared how the retreat house is an ancient tradition in Ignatian spirituality. “Ignatius’ own spirituality was formed in caves and monasteries.” Over the centuries and various continents, Jesuits have guided retreats wherever they went. Eventually, they established retreat houses for nearby parishes and schools. Sacred Heart Retreat House was established for Catholic parishes and schools in Colorado to go and be led by Jesuits on retreat.
Sacred Heart offers guided retreats, group weekend retreats, individual private retreats, and individual days of prayer. Retreats are open to anyone who is looking to hear and respond to God, regardless of their faith practice or affiliation. The retreats and spiritual direction are led by the four Jesuit priests who live on the property and several female staff. Each has devoted their life to serve and guide others in deepening their faith. The setting and staff at Sacred Heart are an ideal introduction for those who have never participated in a silent spiritual retreat.
Sacred Heart Retreat House is a peaceful place to be silent and still. It is a place to go away and learn to listen. It is a place set apart from the pace and pressure of everyday life. Sacred Heart is a sacred place.