“Celebration is not just a way to make people feel good for a while; it is the way in which faith in the God of life is lived out.”
Practice Celebration
Mark moments. Remember dates, write notes, give gifts.
Celebrate the good. Notice and name what is good.
Invite others to join. Celebration is better when it is shared.
Celebration is a practice of perspective. It is a way to see and mark the good in your neighborhood. Celebration is a generative practice; it multiplies and grows. A celebration creates space for others to join. It is an invitation to celebrate the place around them as good.
Celebration cultivates connection. Richard Foster writes, “There is no leveler of caste systems like festivity.” Neighborhood picnics, backyard BBQs, and block parties can bring together neighbors from divergent cultures, incomes, and education.
Celebration marks the moments in your neighborhood. Celebrate a new neighbor moving in, or a cherished neighbor moving out. Celebrate a new business opening. Celebrate the renovation of a school playground, or the remodel of a home. Celebration gives weight and value to the people with whom you share a place. A celebration says, “What you did was big! I noticed! I’m celebrating it with you!”
Celebration is central to loving people and place. Always be looking for occasions to write notes of congratulations, give gifts in commemoration, and throw parties in celebration. Practice celebration.