Giving Flowers
Grow extra flowers in your yard to give to others.
Cut flowers from your garden or purchase from a neighborhood store.
Trust that everyone enjoys receiving flowers. Don’t second guess yourself.
Keep small vases around that you’re ok to give away.
Deliver flowers with a simple note, and in water, so they can be left on the porch.
“Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul.”
There is a profound joy in the simple practice of giving flowers to someone. Potentially more than any other practice, giving flowers brings joy to those who both give and receive.
The practice of giving flowers is ancient. Flowers were given as acts of celebration, condolence, and care in the early civilizations of Egypt, Rome, and Greece. Giving and receiving flowers has been shown in studies to increase positive emotional responses. One research team found receiving flowers creates instant delight and increased life satisfaction, study participants reported positive moods that remained for days.
Cari Jenkins shared insights from her practice of giving flowers. “Flowers are a little expression of beauty and kindness. They communicate value about the person, for there is virtually nothing overtly useful about them. They are simply beautiful. Beauty is the function of a cut flower. When I have delivered flowers to neighbors, I am communicating to another, you are beautiful, lovely, and seen.”
Flowers are a beautiful way to introduce yourself to a neighbor. A simple bouquet of cut flowers from your yard, or purchased flowers from a neighborhood store, is an unexpected expression of kindness. Include a small handwritten card with your name and address. “I’ve wanted to meet you. Here is a little gift to say thank you for being my neighbor.”
Kelly Magel grows flowers in her front yard garden for her floral business, Vibrant Root. She is constantly giving bouquets as gifts to neighbors and friends. “Flowers are a small reminder of the beauty beyond ourselves,” said Kelly. “They are a way to share joy with people who may not have the opportunity to engage with beauty every day.”
Giving flowers is a way to show kindness to your neighbors in your building or on your block, at a nearby retirement center, elementary school, or food bank. It is a practice of sharing beauty and spreading joy.
Thank you to Cari Jenkins and Kelly Magel for their contribution to this article.