Children’s Hospital
Childrens Hospital Colorado
13123 E 16th Ave,
Aurora, CO 80045
Children’s Hospital is a sacred place. Founded in 1908 to care for families coming to the Rocky Mountain Region in search of fresh air and sun for their sick children, Children’s Hospital Colorado now cares for children from a seven-state region. Children’s Hospitals are an institution in many cities because they offer what few other care facilities can: pediatric specific medical care. Treating children is not just a scaled down version of adult care. It requires highly trained professionals who understand the nuances of pediatric care, and as staff who know how to specifically work with kids.
Some people may think about a Children’s Hospital and assume they are sad and scary places. But in reality, Children’s Hospitals are bright and cheerful. They are where patients and their families learn to adapt to injuries and new diagnoses. There is laughter and joking along with the tension and tears. Treatments often become games, and a beloved stuffy may serve as the new “nursing supervisor.” Children are remarkable patients. Often, they do not fully comprehend the implications of their diagnosis, and therefore are uninhibited by the misconceptions and fear that adults face. They simply want to know when they will get to return to school, friends, and favorite activities.
Patients, and their parents, inspire me. The children I care for have a chronic disease with good treatment options, but no cure. And yet the children have big dreams: going to college, opening a restaurant, or traveling the world. Some might view their hopes and dreams as childhood naiveté. I believe that kind of hope requires strength and determination. Without having lived through it with your own children, it is impossible to understand the pain parents experience when they see their child suffer from injury or disease. Most parents describe it as their worst pain. And yet, these parents advocate for their child’s needs, arrange appointments, provide endless hugs, and offer a stable presence.
As a healthcare worker, it is a humbling experience to sit with families during the hardest moments of life. Sometimes holding their hands and keep them comfortable is all you can do. Our best days are the days a patient goes home. It is always bittersweet, because we form attachments and have great affection for our patients. But we know when they leave Children’s, they get to experience their childhood.
People often ask me, “How could I help at Children’s Hospital?” I respond the best way is to donate blood. At Children’s Hospital Colorado, all donated blood goes directly to the kids upstairs. It is tangible way to make a difference for Children’s Hospital and in a child’s life. Children’s Hospital is a place of courage and care. Children’s Hospital is a sacred place.
Alyssa Alexander has worked as a pediatric nurse for almost 20 years. She lives with her husband and three daughters in Aurora. Alyssa recently launched Integrated Faith, a neighborhood-focused faith community in southeast Aurora.