Practices that encourage knowing and loving your neighbors and neighborhood.

Tutoring is a tangible way to invest in your neighborhood's future. Whiz Kids was founded as a tutoring nonprofit organization in 1990 when business leaders, church leaders, and school officials came together to address a growing academic gap among elementary age students in Denver. Their longevity and intentionality have made an impact in the lives of thousands of students in our city.

MLK Marade
The MLK Marade is a practice of loving your neighbor. It invites individuals to step out of their silos, to walk together in solidarity, and to reflect on the principles of justice, peace, and empathy. As we march from the MLK Memorial in City Park to Dever’s Civic Center, our steps reverberate as a powerful reminder of what is possible when communities unite in love.

Local Holiday Traditions
Local holiday traditions create memorable connections with our neighbors and neighborhoods. For citizens in the city of Littleton, the Candlelight Walk and Tree Lighting is a beloved holiday tradition that marks the beginning of the holiday season. For more than 40 years

“What practice do people need to love their neighbors and neighborhoods during an election?” I asked former Englewood Mayor and City Council member Linda Olson. She replied clearly and concisely, “Civility.” The following principles about the practice of civility are excerpts from a work by Linda for the Colorado Municipal League. She generously shared her wisdom about what is needed to cultivate civility.