Places to excavate and explore the overlap of spirituality and geography.

Cultivating a life of physical health can be challenging, but a good trainer and local gym can help. The gym is a place you practice how to care for your body. The gym can also be place where you learn how much your body is connected to your soul. The gym is a sacred place.

Run Shop
What truly makes the local run shop a sacred place, however is their community run clubs. Run club enthusiasts show up and spend time putting one foot in front of the other in community every week. The run clubs are as consistent as a Sunday church service and are inclusive of all levels of run enthusiasts, from first timers to seasoned marathon racers.

The pool is a place to be present and play. It is a place of risk and courage. The pool is a place for people to enjoy being together and belonging to one another. The pool is a sacred place.

A walk, run, or ride on a trail is an opportunity to travel through the city at a different pace. The trail is manmade and mediated interaction with creation, but it offers an experiential reminder of the natural landscape and wildlife that have existed long before us in the place we call home. The trail is an invitation to realign our perspective and pace. The trail is a sacred place.

There are over 1,100 baseball fields in Colorado. Every school field in the city is filled every weekend of the season. These beginner ballparks share the same routines as the stadiums of high schools, colleges, and the Major League. It is a place with a different pace. It cultivates connection, conversation, and celebration. The ballpark is a sacred place.