Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Holy Company
God who knows suffering,
remind us this Lenten season
that the hard and heavy we carry
is not without good and Holy Company.
God who knows resurrection,
remind us this Lenten season
that even the tiniest glimmer of hope
exclaims, “this is not the end.”

Today I pray for patience
For myself and my neighbors.
Our lives are relentlessly harassed by hurry
And entangled in cycles of crushing chaos.

May we forgive our neighbors who trespass against us:
For un-shoveled sidewalks and un-mowed lawns;
For late-night backyard parties and loud music

40 Days
May 40 Days
Of Lenten wilderness lead
To a greater awareness
Of our great need,
And of Your great love.

May I follow the Way of Jesus In living simply.
May simplicity bring clarity,
And the capacity to be present
To people, my practice, and this place…

“What are you seeking?”
May Your question
Clarify our intention
And be a reminder

May your mercy bring healing.
May your grace make us whole.
And may your love bring us at the last
To our eternal home.

May we walk through this season
And walk through our neighborhoods With Your eyes
With Your heart
And with Your love

May we wake with grateful hearts
May we walk with grateful bodies
May we talk with grateful minds
And may we live with a grateful spirit