Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Holy Company
God who knows suffering,
remind us this Lenten season
that the hard and heavy we carry
is not without good and Holy Company.
God who knows resurrection,
remind us this Lenten season
that even the tiniest glimmer of hope
exclaims, “this is not the end.”

Financial Security
Father in Heaven,
Everything we have
Comes from You.
We pray for financial security
For our household,
And the households of our neighbors.

Winter Play
God of delight and wonder,
We lift our gratitude for the joy of winter play
for the rush of sleds speeding down slopes,
for snowballs launched in giddy delight,
for skates that glide and twirl on frozen ponds.

Strength to Love
Eternal God,
We thank You for Jesus,
Who calls us to love our neighbors.
And commands us to “Love our enemies.”
His ethic of love is a radiant light
Everywhere and at all times.

Father in Heaven,
May the threshold of our home be wide enough
For every neighbor to be welcomed,
For every friend to enter at ease,
And for all those looking for a place of belonging.

Father and Creator of the Cosmos,
Who was before all that is,
And holds all that is to come.

Father in Heaven,
All that we have
We have received from You.
We bring nothing into this world
And we take nothing out of it.

The Holy & Holiday Season
Father in Heaven
Giver of all good and perfect gifts,
May the gift of Jesus
Open our homes and hearts to love
As we enter the Advent season.

Hosting in the Holidays
Father in Heaven,
May our preparation and planning
For hosting in the holidays,
The holy work of shopping and sautéing,
Baking and decorating,
All be done in a posture of prayer.

Father in Heaven and King of Kings,
We seek Your Wisdom,
Your Will, and Your Way.

Dark Mornings
Thank You for dark mornings,
Where light unhurriedly arrives.
May rhythms of being rooted
Reform in us as autumn assuredly arrives.

Thank you for produce,
For the food from the ground,
Growing in it, on it, and above it.

Today I pray for patience
For myself and my neighbors.
Our lives are relentlessly harassed by hurry
And entangled in cycles of crushing chaos.

Manual Labor
Father in Heaven,
We pray for our neighbors
Whose work is manual labor.
We pray for their body.
Give them the endurance, health, and strength
This hard work requires.

Neighborhood Schools
Father in Heaven,
We pray for our neighborhood schools
And the spectrum of students
Who enter schools each day.

Art & Artists
Who created the twinkling stars
And the warmth of the sun,
The mountains majestic
And the turquoise ocean,

Neighbor’s Weeds
Father in Heaven,
May the growth of my neighbor’s weeds
Be an unexpected invitation
To my continued growth and formation.

Air Travel
You travelled many roads
And told stories of road travelers.
As we travel in the air,
May we be a good neighbor.

Longer Days
Father in Heaven,
Thank You for longer days;
When light arrives early, shines brightly,
And after amber sunsets, slowly leaves late.

May our playgrounds be
Places of exploration and connection,
Where both children and parents
Learn how to be good neighbors,
And where families find nearby friends.