Holy Company

By Bekah Stewart

God who knows suffering,
remind us this Lenten season
that the hard and heavy we carry
is not without good and Holy Company.

God who knows resurrection,
remind us this Lenten season
that even the tiniest glimmer of hope
exclaims, “this is not the end.”

God of the tomb,
lead us this Lenten Season
as we bravely enter the dark
releasing what needs to die in us.

God of the womb,
lead us this Lenten season
as we surrender to your creative act
anticipating what will be birthed in us.

God who is love,
form us this Lenten season
in the way of Jesus Christ,
deep-rooted in our identity as the beloved.

God who models love,
form us this Lenten season
in the way of Jesus Christ.
May we lay down our lives for our neighbors—
friends, foes, and foreigners alike.


Bekah Stewart is a spiritual director, LifePlan guide, and creator of Girl Stand Up: A 9 month Guided Passage for Women. Her debut book Permission to Matter: Reclaiming Women’s Humanity & Authority at the Invitation of Jesus releases June 2025.

Other prayers to engage with place…


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