Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Financial Security
Father in Heaven,
Everything we have
Comes from You.
We pray for financial security
For our household,
And the households of our neighbors.

Winter Play
God of delight and wonder,
We lift our gratitude for the joy of winter play
for the rush of sleds speeding down slopes,
for snowballs launched in giddy delight,
for skates that glide and twirl on frozen ponds.

Strength to Love
Eternal God,
We thank You for Jesus,
Who calls us to love our neighbors.
And commands us to “Love our enemies.”
His ethic of love is a radiant light
Everywhere and at all times.

Father in Heaven,
May the threshold of our home be wide enough
For every neighbor to be welcomed,
For every friend to enter at ease,
And for all those looking for a place of belonging.

A Blessing for Home
Father in Heaven,
May all who enter our home this year
Find the Light of Christ
Here among us.

The light of Christ enlightens all.
You have come for every nation and every neighborhood,
You deliver us from darkness
And invite us to live in Your light.