
Father in Heaven,

May the threshold of our home be wide enough
For every neighbor to be welcomed,
For every friend to enter at ease,
And for all those looking for a place of belonging.

May the threshold of our home be narrow enough
For criticism and contempt to be kept outside,
For envy and jealousy to not enter easily,
And for words that harm to find no home.

May it be gentle enough
For both those learning to walk,
And those who now need help to walk
To feel invited, honored, and cherished  
For the season they are in.

May the threshold of our home hold back the coldness
Of discouragement of the past
Or despair for the future.

May it hold in the warmth
Of shared moments and memory,
Of belonging and becoming.

May the threshold of our home be a doorway
For our family, friends, and neighbors
To enter new friendships and encounter new possibilities.

May each occasion we cross the threshold of our home
Be a reminder to see life as gift and grace,
And our home as Your home,
A sacred place.


Prayer inspired by Rabbi Sydney Greenberg’s poem & prayer, “The Doorway to a Richer Life.”

Other prayers to engage with place…


Strength to Love

