Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Father in Heaven,
May the threshold of our home be wide enough
For every neighbor to be welcomed,
For every friend to enter at ease,
And for all those looking for a place of belonging.

Hosting in the Holidays
Father in Heaven,
May our preparation and planning
For hosting in the holidays,
The holy work of shopping and sautéing,
Baking and decorating,
All be done in a posture of prayer.

Home Improvement
May we be good stewards with our home,
And always be grateful for the place You have provided.
May the ways we want to improve our home,
Create new opportunities for hospitality, connection, and invitation.

Neighborhood Churches
Father in Heaven,
May the churches in our neighborhood Be neighborhood churches.
May we be present to both the people and the place Recognizing where we gather is holy ground.