Hosting in the Holidays

Father in Heaven,

May our preparation and planning
For hosting in the holidays,
The holy work of shopping and sautéing,
Baking and decorating,
All be done in a posture of prayer.

We pray for the relational riffs
And for those whose past has caused pain.
May the fabric of our families not further fray,
But through the strength of kindness
Become mended and restored.

May our attention to cooking and cleaning
Not distract us from the main course
Of being present to others, to ourselves, and to You.

May our homes be places of abiding
Where fussy infants and tantrum toddlers,

Thorny teens and anxious adults,
All find a place of comfort
To settle in and settle down.

Grant us a vision of gatherings in our homes
That not only reflect our pinned boards
But the beauty of Your Kingdom.
May we never set a table that is unwelcome
To messy fingers and messy lives.

May the moments of hosting in the holidays
Become sacred memories.
May they be holy reminders,
Of the gift of Your extravagant love and grace.


Thank you to Kay Morrison and Josi Larson for contributing to this prayer. (Luke 10:38-42)

Other prayers to engage with place…

