Strength to Love

Eternal God,

We thank You for Jesus,
Who calls us to love our neighbors.
And commands us to “Love our enemies.”
His ethic of love is a radiant light
Everywhere and at all times.

Break the spell of hatred
That blinds our minds.
Grant us pure hearts, penetrating eyes,
And the power of endurance.

Help us ask not,
“What will happen to me?”
When we see our neighbor in need.
But instead ask,
“What will happen to them,
If I do not act?”

In these days of emotional tension
As fear and doubt mount high,
When problems of the world are gigantic in extent
And chaotic in detail,

Teach us that darkness
Cannot drive out darkness;
Only Your light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate;
Only Your love can do that.

In the name and spirit of Jesus we pray.

Prayer inspired by and included quotes from “Strength to Love” by Martin Luther King Jr.

Other prayers to engage with place…


Winter Play

