Winter Play

by Katie Lukashow

God of delight and wonder,

We lift our gratitude for the joy of winter play—
for the rush of sleds speeding down slopes,
for snowballs launched in giddy delight,
for skates that glide and twirl on frozen ponds.

Let the sharp air and glittering frost
kindle in us a sense of adventure—
a willingness to embrace the unknown and untried,
to stumble, to rise, and to laugh again.

Teach us that in the daring and the play,
we find You—present in every burst of laughter,
every tumble, every gasp of awe.

Frost-laden moments remind us:
Joy is holy,
a spark of eternity breaking into the now.

Renew our enchantment, Lord.
Open our eyes to see more than snow and ice—
to glimpse the shimmer of Your creativity
woven into every crystalline flake.

Remind us the world is alive with Your presence,
calling us to risk, to wonder, to revel in Your beauty.

God of all seasons,
May winter play
teach us to share not only scarves and sleds,
but also the invitation to delight.

Ignite in us a childlike faith—
faith that dances, stumbles, and celebrates—
that finds in this frozen world,
a glimpse of Your eternal joy.


Other prayers to engage with place…


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