
Father in Heaven,
May I follow the Way of Jesus 
In living simply. 

May simplicity bring clarity,
And the capacity to be present
To people, my practice, and this place.

May I not be consumed in consuming, 
Trust the lie that more is better,
Or be ruled by the tyranny of excess. 

May I resist the impulse to purchase,
And instead, practice gratitude for 
All I have that cannot be bought.

Help me uncomplicate and untangle my life,
So, I may invest in what matters most.

May I trust the contentment I desire
Is found not in what I have, but in who I am.
And, who I am, is your Beloved. 

May I learn the priceless gift of letting go,
And possess the joy that comes only from generosity. 

May my home and heart not be crowded,   
But may I live with simplicity,

And singleness of heart.

Other prayers to engage with place…




Mental Health Workers