Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Thank you for produce,
For the food from the ground,
Growing in it, on it, and above it.

Holy Spirit,
May I live in wonder
Awe beyond words,
For Your Holy Presence and Power.

Remember our Ancestors
May we honor our ancestors,
And the life and legacy of Jesus,
As we live faithfully in our time and place,
Filled with Your love and grace.

May we forgive our neighbors who trespass against us:
For un-shoveled sidewalks and un-mowed lawns;
For late-night backyard parties and loud music

Neighborhood Churches
Father in Heaven,
May the churches in our neighborhood Be neighborhood churches.
May we be present to both the people and the place Recognizing where we gather is holy ground.

May I run with consistency
Feeling the ground beneath me,
Hearing the sounds that surround me,
And the stillness that comes inside me,
From my body moving at Godspeed.

May I follow the Way of Jesus In living simply.
May simplicity bring clarity,
And the capacity to be present
To people, my practice, and this place…

“What are you seeking?”
May Your question
Clarify our intention
And be a reminder

May our sidewalks be
Places where we return
To moving at Godspeed,
Walking at a pace