
Holy Spirit,
May I live in wonder
Awe beyond words,
Of Your Holy Presence and Power. 

Holy Spirit,
Blow out any staleness and stuffiness
In my posture, prayers, or practice.
Renew the wonder
Of Your Holy Breath in my lungs.

Holy Spirit,
Warm any cold and dark corners
In my perspective of others.
Renew the wonder
Of Your purifying and permeating fire.  

Holy Spirit,
Grant me the gift of language
To share the story of God’s grace
With wonder and words
For those around me to understand.   

Holy Spirit,
Open my covered and clouded eyes
To see Your wonderful work
In my neighbors and neighborhood.  

Holy Spirit,
May I live in wonder
Awe beyond words,
Of Your Holy Presence and Power.

Other prayers to engage with place…




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