Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Changing Seasons
May the roots of our life reach deeper
In this threshold of time,
And in this sacred place.

School Leaders
May our school teachers create places where:
Students feel every day that they belong,
Classes develop character, patience, and perseverance,
Memories are made of discovery and creativity,

May the sounds of sirens in our neighborhood
Be bells that call us to prayer.

Summer Schedule
May our hearts be wise,
Help us number our summers
With our parents and our children,
Our spouses and our siblings,

Growth & Gardens
Our gardens may not be a significant source of our produce,
they may be only a potted plant or bed of flowers,
but would every garden in our neighborhood be a living reminder of grace and growth.

Be our Counselor as we listen.
Be our Wisdom as we speak.
Be our Breath as we trust it is your sacred presence
In every breath we breathe.

Employees & Employers
We pray for the employees and employers
Who lead and labor in our neighborhoods
May they see value and dignity in their work,
And believe their work is good.

Keep us attentive
To the holy all around us.
May we live today
With resurrection wonder.

May our sidewalks be
Places where we return
To moving at Godspeed,
Walking at a pace

Holy Week
How do we remember rightly:
Your last week,
Your last words?

May your mercy bring healing.
May your grace make us whole.
And may your love bring us at the last
To our eternal home.

May we walk through this season
And walk through our neighborhoods With Your eyes
With Your heart
And with Your love

May we wake with grateful hearts
May we walk with grateful bodies
May we talk with grateful minds
And may we live with a grateful spirit

The light of Christ enlightens all.
You have come for every nation and every neighborhood,
You deliver us from darkness
And invite us to live in Your light.