School Leaders
Father in Heaven,
May our school leaders be kind, wise, and gracious.
May our school boards oversee places where:
Experiences of the past are heard with compassion,
Concerns of tomorrow are spoken with courage,
New possibilities are explored with creativity,
And the direction of our children’s education
Is discerned with sincerity, humility, and wisdom.
May our school administrators lead places where:
Students and their stories are known by name,
Teachers look forward to Mondays,
The joy of learning is constantly cultivated,
And the operations of our children’s education
Are directed with integrity, clarity, and levity.
May our school teachers create places where:
Students feel every day that they belong,
Classes develop character, patience, and perseverance,
Memories are made of discovery and creativity,
And the daily experience of our children’s education
Is guided by faith, hope, and love.