Father in Heaven,
May the sounds of sirens in our neighborhood
Be bells that call us to prayer.
We pray for those the siren is moving towards,
For the ones injured, in danger, and in need:
Give them hope that help is coming
Grant them peace that they are not alone
Be merciful and gracious to them
May they sense Your eternal love.
We pray for those first responding to the siren,
For the Paramedic, Police, Fire, and EMT:
Steady their hearts as they move towards trouble,
Protect their minds as they make life-determining decisions,
Guide their hands as they help the hurting.
We pray for those the siren becomes an immovable memory,
For parents, children, friends, and neighbors:
We ask for Your mercy for their worried mind,
And ask for Your grace for their troubled heart.
May the sounds of sirens in our neighborhood
Be bells that call us to prayer.