Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Manual Labor
Father in Heaven,
We pray for our neighbors
Whose work is manual labor.
We pray for their body.
Give them the endurance, health, and strength
This hard work requires.

Air Travel
You travelled many roads
And told stories of road travelers.
As we travel in the air,
May we be a good neighbor.

Food Availability
May our prayer for food create a pause,
That enlarges our hearts through
Gratitude, confession, lament, and longing
For the availability of food for all.

Public Utilities
Father in Heaven,
We thank You we live
Where public utilities are consistent.
Heat, water, and power form a foundation
For reliable work and rest.

Mental Health Workers
May He provide a stillness to your soul,
While you work to lead people to places of physical, mental, and emotional rest.

Civic Leaders
Almighty God,
You are over all nations and all leaders,
We pray for the civic leaders of our communities,
our city, and our country.

School Leaders
May our school teachers create places where:
Students feel every day that they belong,
Classes develop character, patience, and perseverance,
Memories are made of discovery and creativity,

May the sounds of sirens in our neighborhood
Be bells that call us to prayer.

Employees & Employers
We pray for the employees and employers
Who lead and labor in our neighborhoods
May they see value and dignity in their work,
And believe their work is good.