Prayers to help establish your faith to be rooted in place.

Holy Spirit,
May I live in wonder
Awe beyond words,
For Your Holy Presence and Power.

Food Availability
May our prayer for food create a pause,
That enlarges our hearts through
Gratitude, confession, lament, and longing
For the availability of food for all.

Remember our Ancestors
May we honor our ancestors,
And the life and legacy of Jesus,
As we live faithfully in our time and place,
Filled with Your love and grace.

Home Improvement
May we be good stewards with our home,
And always be grateful for the place You have provided.
May the ways we want to improve our home,
Create new opportunities for hospitality, connection, and invitation.

Resurrection as Inauguration
May Your resurrection
Incite a lifestyle of celebration.
The future reality of Your Kingdom
Has pierced into our present pain
And brought the hope of heaven
To our lives, families, and cities.

May we forgive our neighbors who trespass against us:
For un-shoveled sidewalks and un-mowed lawns;
For late-night backyard parties and loud music

We pray for the resources and fortitude
To build affordable housing
So everyone has a place to call home.

40 Days
May 40 Days
Of Lenten wilderness lead
To a greater awareness
Of our great need,
And of Your great love.

Neighborhood Churches
Father in Heaven,
May the churches in our neighborhood Be neighborhood churches.
May we be present to both the people and the place Recognizing where we gather is holy ground.

Public Utilities
Father in Heaven,
We thank You we live
Where public utilities are consistent.
Heat, water, and power form a foundation
For reliable work and rest.

A Blessing for Home
Father in Heaven,
May all who enter our home this year
Find the Light of Christ
Here among us.

Father in Heaven,
You rejoice over us with singing
And put songs of deliverance on our lips.
You counted off creation in rhythm:
Night and day, rest and work,

The light shines in the darkness
And the darkness has not overcome it.
We are easily distracted by the darkness of unease and anxiety.
Light of Christ, shine in our lives,
and in Your world with Your renewing hope.

For Those Experiencing Incarceration
We pray for those in prison
For their hearts, minds, and bodies.
May they trust their identity
Is not only a last name, a number, or statistic of the state.

A blessing for Aging
As you find yourself slowing down, Whether by age or aches,By fewer life demands or simply by choice, May you notice that your pace Might now reflect the holy cadence of God.

May I run with consistency
Feeling the ground beneath me,
Hearing the sounds that surround me,
And the stillness that comes inside me,
From my body moving at Godspeed.

May I follow the Way of Jesus In living simply.
May simplicity bring clarity,
And the capacity to be present
To people, my practice, and this place…

Mental Health Workers
May He provide a stillness to your soul,
While you work to lead people to places of physical, mental, and emotional rest.

Civic Leaders
Almighty God,
You are over all nations and all leaders,
We pray for the civic leaders of our communities,
our city, and our country.

“What are you seeking?”
May Your question
Clarify our intention
And be a reminder